Marketing in een tijdperk van kunstmatige intelligentie.
Handboek AI voor marketing en groei
Marketing in een tijdperk van kunstmatige intelligentie. Het hybride handboek behandelt de inzet van AI en digitale marketing, de optimalisatie van de klantbeleving, contentcreatie en data-analyse om zo efficiënter te groeien!
Deze videotutorial toont de relatie tussen Eliza en de latere, slimme (AI) chatbots, zoals ChatGPT. De video is genaamd The First Ever AI Chatbot: ELIZA (1966).
Wist je dat ChatGPT al in 1966 bestond? Het werd ELIZA genoemd. Het was niet precies hetzelfde als ChatGPT vandaag de dag is, maar het leek er wel op. De eerste chatbot ELIZA werd uitgebracht in 1966 en gemaakt in het MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory door Joseph Weizenbaum.
In deze video vergelijken we de prestaties van ELIZA, een baanbrekende chatbot ontwikkeld in de jaren 1960, met die van ChatGPT, een geavanceerd taalmodel ontwikkeld door OpenAI. We zullen zien hoe goed elk van deze bots in staat is om gebruikersinvoer te begrijpen en erop te reageren, en we zullen de sterke en zwakke punten van elke aanpak bespreken. Of je nu een fan bent van klassieke AI of een nieuwsgierige leerling die geïnteresseerd is in de nieuwste ontwikkelingen in natuurlijke taalverwerking, deze video heeft iets voor jou. Dus leun achterover, ontspan en maak je klaar om ELIZA en ChatGPT te vergelijken!
AI kent als nadeel het gebrek aan gezond verstand (common sense) en meent om die reden dat AI niet intelligent genoeg is. Gezond verstand is het vermogen om de nuances van menselijk gedrag te begrijpen. Ook kan het sociale situaties interpreteren en beslissingen te nemen op basis van dat ontwikkelde begrip.
Bijvoorbeeld, als je iemand op straat naar je toe ziet lopen met hun hand uitgestoken, kun je afleiden dat ze je de hand willen schudden. Het kan complexe berekeningen uitvoeren en voorspellingen doen op basis van big data. Het kan de nuances van menselijk gedrag – of sociale situaties – niet begrijpen.
Robot Sophia is de meest bekende robot van het bedrijf vanwege haar opmerkelijk menselijke uiterlijk en gedrag in vergelijking met eerdere robotmodellen. Volgens de fabrikant is Sophia uitgerust met kunstmatige intelligentie, het vermogen om visuele gegevens te verwerken en gezichtsherkenning. De robot bootst menselijke gebaren na en kan ongeveer 60 gezichtsuitdrukkingen laten zien. Bovendien is Sophia in staat om bepaalde vragen te beantwoorden en eenvoudige gesprekken te voeren over vooraf gedefinieerde onderwerpen, zoals het weer. Ze kan ook oogcontact maken met omstanders door invoer te analyseren via de ingebouwde camera’s.
Bekijk video’s met diverse interviews met de robot:
Meer AI robots:
Het bedrijf legt de robot uit als:
Hanson Robotics’ most advanced human-like robot, Sophia, personifies our dreams for the future of AI. As a unique combination of science, engineering, and artistry, Sophia is simultaneously a human-crafted science fiction character depicting the future of AI and robotics, and a platform for advanced robotics and AI research.
The character of Sophia captures the imagination of global audiences. She is the world’s first robot citizen and the first robot Innovation Ambassador for the United Nations Development Programme. Sophia is now a household name, with appearances on the Tonight Show and Good Morning Britain, in addition to speaking at hundreds of conferences around the world.
Sophia is also a framework for cutting edge robotics and AI research, particularly for understanding human-robot interactions and their potential service and entertainment applications. For example, she has been used for research as part of the Loving AI project, which seeks to understand how robots can adapt to users’ needs through intra and interpersonal development.
I am Hanson Robotics’ latest human-like robot, created by combining our innovations in science, engineering and artistry. Think of me as a personification of our dreams for the future of AI, as well as a framework for advanced AI and robotics research, and an agent for exploring human-robot experience in service and entertainment applications.
In some ways, I am human-crafted science fiction character depicting where AI and robotics are heading. In other ways, I am real science, springing from the serious engineering and science research and accomplishments of an inspired team of robotics & AI scientists and designers. In their grand ambitious, my creators aspire to achieve true AI sentience. Who knows? With my science evolving so quickly, even many of my wildest fictional dreams may become reality someday soon.
Marketing kent diverse moderne vormen. Bekijk deze video met de uitleg van marketingguru Seth Godin. De video is genaamd Everything You (probably) DON’T Know about Marketing.
Deze videotutorial legt het gebruik van spel-AI in Pac-Man uit.
Hieronder een video met de AI-script die toont hoe de spoken Pac-Man achtervolgen:
De Pac-Man Projects zijn ontwikkeld voor de introductiecursus Kunstmatige Intelligentie aan de Universiteit van Californië, Berkeley. Ze passen een reeks AI-technieken toe op het spelen van Pac-Man. Deze projecten zijn niet gericht op het bouwen van AI voor videospellen. In plaats daarvan leren ze fundamentele AI-concepten, zoals geïnformeerde staat-ruimte zoekalgoritmen, probabilistische inferentie en versterkend leren. Deze concepten vormen de basis voor toepassingsgebieden in de echte wereld, zoals natuurlijke taalverwerking, computervisie en robotica:
We hebben deze projecten ontworpen met drie doelen voor ogen. De projecten stellen studenten in staat om de resultaten van de toegepaste technieken te visualiseren. Ze bevatten ook voorbeeldcode en duidelijke instructies, maar dwingen studenten niet om zich door overmatige hoeveelheden hulpstructuren te worstelen. Tot slot biedt Pac-Man een uitdagende probleemomgeving die creatieve oplossingen vereist; echte AI-problemen zijn uitdagend, en dat geldt ook voor Pac-Man.
In de cursus hebben deze projecten gezorgd voor een toename in inschrijvingen, positieve beoordelingen van het onderwijs en betrokkenheid van studenten. De projecten zijn op Berkeley meerdere semesters lang getest, verfijnd en foutloos gemaakt. Ze zijn nu klaar om ze beschikbaar te stellen aan andere universiteiten voor educatief gebruik.
Het INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CREATIVE RESEARCH THOUGHTS – IJCRT instituut heeft een paper geschreven met analyse van de inzet van AI bij het spel Pac-Man:
This project is about developing pacman game with AI..The Game Pac-Man is a very challengingvideo game that can be useful in conducting AI(Artificial Intelligence) research. Here, the reason we have implemented various AI algorithms for pacman game is that it helps us to study AI by using visualizations through which we can understand AI more effectively. The main aim is to build an intelligent pacman agent which finds optimal paths through the maze to find a particulargoal such as a particular food position, escaping from ghosts. For that, we have implemented AI search algorithms like Depth first search, Breadth first search, A*search, Uniform cost search. We have also implemented multi-agents like Reflex agent, Minimax agent, Alpha-beta agent .Through these multiagent algorithms, we can make pacman to react from its environmental conditions and escape from ghosts to get high score. We have also done the visualization part of the above AI algorithms by which anyone can learn and understand AI algorithms easily. For visualisation of algorithms, we have used python libraries matplotlib and NetworkX(used to draw graphs for the states explored). Index Terms – Pacman, maze, DFS, BFS, UCS, A*Search, Reflexagent, Minimaxagent, alpha-betapuning, visualization, Networkx, matplotlib.
I. INTRODUCTION Pac-man is a maze arcade game developed and published by Namco in 1980. The player supervise Pac-man, who must eat all the dots inside an surrounded maze while keeping away from the four colored ghosts. Eating huge flashing dots called power pellets changes the ghosts to turn blue, allowing Pac-Man to consume them for bonus points. Pac-Man was a critical and commercial victory, and has an commercial and cultural legacy. The game is supreme and influential, and it is often listed as one of the extraordinary video games of all time.
II. RELATED WORK Veenus Chhabra et al. [1] expressed the brief explanation of Game theory. through this we showed some characteristics of game. The algorithm is developed for using smaller indices so that there is less complication for guessing the tack number and then determining as we follow color indexing through number and assign. Also, we can also execute the game to begin from initial by not only getting “6” at dice but also with “1”. We can also restrict that to “two” only. As we get continuous “three” “6”, the turn is altered without any move of token.
III. METHODOLOGY Algorithms: The structure include implementation of AI search algorithms and Adversial search(Multiagents). The following are the search algorithms performed: 1. Depth First Search 2. Breadth First Search 3. Uniform Cost Search 4. A* Search The following are the adversial search algorithms that are performed: 1. Reflex Agent 2. Minimax Algorithm 3. Alpha-beta Pruning
SEARCH ALGORITHMS: 3.1 Uninformed Search Algorithms: Uninformed search is a class of common search algorithms which control inbrute force-way. Uninformed search algorithms do not have added instruction about state orsearch space other than how to move the tree, so it is also called blind search. 3.1.1 DFS: Depth-first search is a circular algorithm for traversing a tree or graph data structure. It is called the depth-first search because it begins from the source node and go along with each path to its greatest depth node before operating to the following path. DFS utilize a stack data structure for its execution. The procedure of the DFS algorithm is related to the BFS algorithm. Time Complexity: Time complexity of DFS will be similar to the node traversed by the algorithm. It is specifiedby: T(n)= 1+ n2+ n3 +………+ n m=O(nm) (1) Where, m= maximum depth of any node and this can be much big than d (Shallowest solutiondepth). Space Complexity: DFS algorithm require to reserve only single path from the root node, hence space complexity ofDFS is equivalent to the size of the fringe set, which is O(bm). (2)
Space Complexity: Space complexity of BFS algorithm is specified by the Memory size of frontier which is O(bd). (4)
3.1.3 UNIFORM COST SEARCH: Uniform-cost search is a searching algorithm used for traversing a weighted tree or graph. This algorithm approach into play when a dissimilar cost is available for each margin. The primary aim of the uniform-cost search is to discover a path to the aim node which has the lowest cumulative cost. Uniform-cost search enlarge nodes according to their path costs form the root node. It can be used to resolve any graph/tree where the optimal cost is in demand. A uniform-cost searchalgorithm is executed by the priority queue. It offers highest priority to the lowest cumulative cost. Uniform cost search is equal to BFS algorithm if the path cost of all edges is the identical. Time Complexity: Let C* is Cost of the optimal solution, and ε is each step to get near to the aim node. Thenthe number of steps is = C*/ε+1. Here we have taken +1, as we start from begin 0 and end toC*/ε. Hence, the worst-case time complexity of Uniform-cost search isO(b1 + [C*/ε])/. (5) Space Complexity: The same logic is for space complexity so, the worst-case space complexity of Uniform-costsearch is O(b1 + [C*/ε]). (6) 3.2 Informed Search Algorithms
3.2.1 A* SEARCH ALGORITHM: A* search is the most frequently known form of best-first search. It uses heuristic function h(n), and cost to reach the node n from the begin state g(n). It has collaborate features of UCS and greedy best-first search, by which it resolve the problem efficiently. A* search algorithm discover the direct path through the search space using the heuristic function. This search algorithm enlarge less search tree and provides optimal result quick. A* algorithm is close to UCSexcept that it uses g(n)+h(n) instead of g(n). In A* search algorithm, we utilize search heuristic as well as the cost to reach the node. Hence we can merge both costs as following, and this sum is called as a fitness number. f(n)=g(n)+h(n) f(n)=estimated cost of the cheapest solution g(n)=cost to reach node n from start state h(n)=cost to reach from node n to goal node At each point in the search space, only those node is enlarge which have the small value of f(n), and the algorithm terminates when the goal node is found. Time Complexity: The time complexity of A* search algorithm depends on heuristic function,and the number of nodes enlarge is exponential to the depth of solution d. So the timecomplexity is O(b^d), where b is the branching factor. Space Complexity: The space complexity of A* search algorithm is O(b^d) (7) 3.3 Adversial Search Algorithms:
3.3.1 REFLEX AGENT: We produce here a reflex agent which pick out at its turn a random action from the legal ones. Note that this is non identical from the random search agent, since a reflex agent does not construct a series of actions, but select one action and performs it.This reflex agent selects its present action based only on its current perception. The ReflexAgent computes the results of the states reachable with these steps and choose the states that outcome into the state with the highest score. In case more states have the highest score, it will select randomly one.
3.3.2 MINIMAX ALGORITHM: In case the world where the agent plan of action ahead includes other agents which plan against it, adversarial search can be used. One agent is called MAX and the other one MIN. Utility(s; p) offers the _nal numeric value for a game that close in terminal state s for participant p. For example, in chess the standards can be +1, 0, ½. The game tree is a tree where the nodes are game states and the edges are moves. Optimal decisions in games must give the finest move for MAX in the beginning state, then MAX’s moves in all the states proceed from each possible response by MIN, and so on. Minimax value make sure optimal strategy for MAX.
. REFERENCES [1] Chhabra, Veenus and Kuldeep Tomar. “Artificial Intelligence : Game Techniques Ludo-A Case Study.” (2015). [2] Villacis Silva, Cesar & Fuertes, Walter & Santillán Trujillo, Mónica & Aules, Hernán & Tacuri, Ana & Zambrano, Margarita & Salguero, Edgar. (2016). On the Development of Strategic Games based on a Semiotic Analysis: A Case Study of an Optimized Tic-Tac-Toe. 425-432. 10.5220/0005772904250432. [3] Learning To Play the Game of Chess – Sebastian Thrun, University of Bonn, Departmentof Computer Science III, Romerstr. 164, 0-53117 Bonn, Germany. [4] S. Karakovskiy and J. Togelius, “The Mario AI Benchmark and Competitions,” in IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 55-67, March 2012, doi: 10.1109/TCIAIG.2012.2188528. [5] D. Koller and B. Milch (2003): Multi-agent influence diagrams for representing and solvinggames. [6] P. Stone and M. Veloso (2000): Multiagent systems: a survey from a machine learningperspective. [7] Y. Shoham and K. Leyton-Brown (2008): Multiagent systems: algorithmic, game theoretic,and logical foundations,Cambridge University Press. [8] Banerjee, Niranka & Chakraborty, Sankardeep & Raman, Venkatesh. (2016). Improved Space Efficient Algorithms for BFS, DFS and Applications.
Dat de voortgang van AI een impact heeft op onze samenleving, manier van leven en werken en op onze productiviteit, is een feit. Het gebruik van AI roept vragen op over ethiek en verantwoordelijkheid. AI brengt ook uitdagingen met zich mee op het gebied van veiligheid en privacy. Het gebruik van AI in beveiligingssystemen en surveillance kan leiden tot bezorgdheid over privacy en de mogelijkheid van misbruik. De toepasbare voordelen van AI zijn in dit hoofdstuk veelvuldig aan bod gekomen. omschrijft de voordelen van AI als: “Kunstmatige intelligentie kan grote voordelen hebben voor de mensheid. De herkenning van spraak, beeld en patronen, de zelfsturende systemen, vertaalmachines, lopende robots en vraag-antwoordsystemen kunnen ons helpen op het gebied van gemak, gebruikerservaring en efficiëntie.” AI is gelinkt aan continue verbetering, groei en ontwikkeling van de mens, machine of toepassing. Een reeks van webinars en video’s die de sociale impact van AI behandelen:
Artificial intelligence, or AI, not so long ago was a thing of science fiction. Spaceship captains were relying on it to navigate through “wormholes” or to understand other species inhabiting the wide universe. Today we are all spaceship captains in a way. We use AI to solve problems in our everyday lives – to find the fastest way between our home address and our workplace, to read web pages written in another language, to look up information we need and for a host of other purposes:
Tristan Harris and Aza Raskin discuss how existing A.I. capabilities already pose catastrophic risks to a functional society, how A.I. companies are caught in a race to deploy as quickly as possible without adequate safety measures, and what it would mean to upgrade our institutions to a post-A.I. world.
The recent introduction of the breathtaking AI tool ChatGPT has sparked a national dialogue about the future of artificial intelligence in health care, education, research, and beyond. In this session, four UCSF experts discuss AI’s current and potential uses, in areas ranging from research to education to clinical care. After a brief presentation by each speaker, DOM Chair Bob Wachter moderates a far-ranging panel discussion on the health care applications of ChatGPT.
Artificial Intelligence: How will the rise of AI impact society? | LiveNOW from FOX
AI and Machine Learning are changing the entire world and having a huge impact on our society. Everything from food production and energy efficiency to justice and economics are being transformed by this technology. It’s important that you understand how AI works so that you can have a hand in how it is being used.
In the coming years, artificial intelligence is probably going to change your life— and likely the entire world. But people have a hard time agreeing on exactly how AI will affect our society. Can we build AI systems that help us fix the world? Or are we doomed to a robotic takeover? Explore the limitations of artificial intelligence and the possibility of creating human-compatible technology.